Teens to join Meta’s Horizon Worlds app users 

Horizon Worlds

According to reports, Meta is making a significant push toward the teen and young-adult demographic, with its Horizon Worlds metaverse app set for an upgrade to get better offerings.

The app is currently accessible to users in the age category of 18 and above. According to a memo sent to the team working on the initiative, the app may soon be available for teens between the ages of 13 and 17 by March 2023. 

“Today, our competitors are doing a much better job meeting the unique needs of these cohorts. 

“For Horizon to succeed we need to ensure that we serve this cohort first and foremost.”

Gabriel Aul, Vice President of Horizon

In his words, the spokesman of Meta, Joe Osborne, disclosed that Meta designed the Quest virtual-reality headsets for users between the age of 13 and above, making it necessary for the company to introduce experiences for audiences in that category on Horizon.

According to him, teens love the VR experiences on Quest, and Meta wants to provide them with scintillating experiences in Horizon Worlds. He also mentioned providing age-appropriate tools and protections.

Meta’s metaverse plans

In 2022, Meta faced a daunting challenge-achieving their ambitious $10 billion metaverse goals while keeping users engaged in Horizon Worlds. Facing uncertain times ahead, the company had to rapidly find innovative solutions that would keep them on track with customers.

After months of speculation, internal documents shed light on Meta’s difficulties in their ambitious metaverse project. Described as “glitchy technology, uninterested users and a lack of clarity,” even Mark Zuckerberg’s monumental undertaking is facing challenges – but only time will tell if they’ll be overcome successfully or not.”
