According to reports, Meta, the company behind Quest 2, is working on adding background audio playback and media controls to its platform. Users in the Public Test Channel have found evidence of this new feature. They have shared screenshots and videos on social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit. A Reddit user stated that they accessed a YouTube video in the browser. The person got the option to control the content through a notification window.
The Twitter user shared a screenshot showing they could play a song via Spotify Web Player on Quest 2. The screenshot also showed how to control it using options such as Previous track, Pause/Resume, Next track, Stop, and Remove. The background audio feature also seems to work seamlessly with VR apps. It allows users to listen to music or watch YouTube videos while playing VR games or attending virtual meetings.
Further Step Toward a General-Purpose VR Device
The background audio playback feature was already present in the Meta Quest Pro update 47. The ability to control media playback appears to be a new addition. It is uncertain when Meta Quest 2 will get this feature. Nevertheless, the fact that Meta is testing such features suggests that it can come in future releases.
These long-awaited features are important for making Meta Quest an all-purpose VR computer. However, unlike PCs, smartphones, and even Playstation VR 2, Meta Quest 2 has not yet been able to offer this capability until now.
The media controls appear in the notification windows and are less than optimal. It is still a welcome feature for Meta Quest users. Ideally, this feature would be accessible with just a keystroke and an integral part of the universal menu. Nevertheless, the fact that Meta is working towards implementing such a feature is a positive development.
The featured image is from history-computer.com